CapturePoint New Updates – May 2024
New Updates:
1. 9060: A new user group-level security setting is added to the Group & User Management page to force users to log in through SSO.
When the “Require User Login through SSO” is enabled in the “Security Settings” section, the system prompts the user to use SSO on the login screen.
2. 9231: A new toggle option is added to the “PO/GR comparison” Grid in the Indexing form UI.
Previously, only the line-item grid had the toggle option to show/hide the grid. This feature has been extended to the PO/GR grids, allowing more space for the invoice.
When the user manually hides the grid, it collapses to the bottom of the indexing screen.
3. A new functionality for “French support” is added on the framework level in CapturePoint.
9383: French version of CP Profile UI.
10889: Configurable language options.
10952: Added language toggle to user UI.
The user can now switch to French using the language toggle option. However, the profile must be configured with the language data.
With this option, only the framework-level texts will be translated into French. The Tiles and the Indexing page fields must be configured in French at the profile level.
4. 9435: A new feature is added to auto-load a document from a URL on the indexing page.
Profile-specific URLs with a document ID can be used/shared to access the document on the indexing page. The link can be shared and used by any user, even if the user’s default profile differs, provided that the user must have access to the landing profile.
This is helpful for the admin/developers who need access to multiple profiles.
When a user accesses the document ID of a different profile, CP sets the landing profile as the user’s default profile.
5. 9744: A new provision is added to Delete All Files from the profile. Now, the administrator can delete all the invoices and folders in a profile to clear it. The system admin password is required for this action.
6. 10164: A Subfolder Support for Email Intake is added in the Email Intake configuration section.
Previously, the email intake option is restricted only to the parent folder. Now, subfolder support for email intake has been added. The email subfolder name must be unique.
The below subfolders are configured in the email intake configuration above.
7.10279: A new feature has been added to enable the creation of an Outbound coversheet by uploading an HTML template and the option to edit the Coversheet data.
Once the template is created using the HTML page, the system will enable users to edit the coversheet data and produce the outbound fax coversheet.
Upload an HTML template coversheet template page and save the configuration.
Click the “Fax Out” menu from the indexing menu to view the list of available templates.
Select the newly created Coversheet Template using the HTML page. The user must be given access to the template to view the cover sheet.
When selecting the template, the screen below prompts the user to edit the data in the cover sheet. Click Preview to view the information on the cover sheet.
The cover sheet is created with the information provided.
8.10287: A new provision for Exporting profile data has been added.
Administrative users can export all profile data from the “Admin Tools” section. Depending on the amount of data, the export process may take some time to complete. Once finished, you will have the option to download all documents in a zip file.
Click the “Request All Profile Data” button to request the export of all profile data.
The admin user can download all the documents in a zip file format using the Download option below.
9. 10468: The Admin Tools page has been updated to include the Company Name, Company Address, and Customer Contact Phone fields.
10. 10497: CapturePoint now supports direct integration with DocuShare Go
Now, CP supports direct integration with DocuShare Go to export the documents.
11. 10522/10598: CapturePoint now has new Automatic Document Categorization and Extraction Customization functionality.
12. 10524: A new feature is added to set and highlight the Cursor Focus on any specific field in the Indexing form on an OnChanged event.
13. 10556: Option to bypass file extensions through email ingestion
When “Skip File Extensions Validation” is enabled, the system will accept any file type, such as zip or rar, and the profile workflow functions will handle the files accordingly.
14. 10639: A new Notification feature for the admin user is added to the dashboard.
Admin users can view a list of recent notifications by clicking on the notification bell icon.
Clicking on the “Bell Icon” will display a list of recent notifications under the Notification tab.
15. 10705: Support for Images and Videos to Documentation feature in the Dashboard
The documentation feature now supports images and video upload. The admin user can upload videos and images to the Dashboard Documentation Links Section.
All the uploaded files will be shown on the user dashboard.
16. 10728: A new “Tab View” feature is added to the indexing form. Each tab can be configured with a different set of fields and sections.
17. 10740: To handle multiple select options, a new “Enable Multi-Select” feature for the dropdown field type is added to the Global Filter configuration.
Enabling the multi-select option will allow users to select multiple items from the global filter dropdown lists in the Dashboard and the Task tab.
Image reference of the Dashboard for the dropdown multi-select option.
The same multi-select option is applicabel to the Tasks tab as well.
18. 10752: A new feature is added to the Global Auto-Translate Language Data page for the profile administrator to perform Line-level Auto-Translations.
19. 10761: A new “Show All Documents” button is added to Tasks/Grid View for profile admins
A new feature allows the admin user to see all the child documents of a batch document by clicking the “Show All Documents” button on the document and task tab.
All the child documents of the batch document are listed on the grid.
Bug Fixes:
20. 9285: The multi-select option for the user group is removed.
The multi-select option for the user group has been removed, as adding or removing a user from the User Group grid is no longer required.
Image reference for the multi-select option.
Image reference after removing the multi-select option.
22. 9990: The page Count report issue has been fixed.
In the recent page count reports, an empty row is added after every row.
The issue is fixed now; no empty row is added after every row.
23. 10828: The Settings menu display issue on the Logout page is fixed
Previously, after the user logged out, the dropdown list showed the menu contents. Now, the issue is resolved.
Below is the image reference after the fix.
24. 10888: The “Grid Options” issue, which allowed users to sort by unsortable columns and crashed the UI, is fixed
If there is any issue with the Grid Options Settings, the admin user can clear the grid settings, so all the issues will be resolved by clicking on the “Clear My Grid Options Settings” button.
25. 10938: The issue where the changes made to the Profile script’s OnChanged event were not applied in a specific scenario is fixed.