CapturePoint New Updates – February 2024

New Updates:

9393: Role-based user management administration is added. Profile Admin can now delegate another user as User Management Admin by selecting the “Make User Management Admin” option from the context menu.

The user management admin can perform the user-specific actions, apart from “Make admin, and Remove Admin Permission”.

9976: The Group & User Management page is featured with Collapsible Sections. A common “Collapse All/Expand All” option has been added, and each section is equipped with a collapsible and expandable grid.

9979/10268: The User Group Section in the  Group & User Management page has been moved to the top of the page for easier access.

9981: Additional logging  for SFTP export is added.

The “Profile Export Logs” section has been added to the Logs Menu under Profile configuration page. Users can generate SFTP Export Logs by selecting a date range and clicking “Load Export Logs”. Once the report is generated, users can download it to their local system by clicking the “Click here to Download” button.

The report will be downloaded to the local system as a . CSV file.

9994: Notification Email to the profile admin on upcoming renewal.

A notification email will be sent to the users listed under “Profile Admin Nqaotification Emails” for both the Contract End Date and Anniversary Date, once prior 60 days, 30 days, seven days, and one day.

The Contract End Date and the Anniversary Date/Subscription End Date will both be considered. The Notification Emails will be sent to the email address specified in the Profile Admin Notification Emails field.

10028/10029: Option to Hide/ Show Document Attachments in the Document Indexing Form. The Document Indexing Form now includes the Show Attachments & Hide Attachments buttons beside the Upload attachment button, and the Paperclip Icon is removed from the Menu.

The “Hide Attachments” button will conceal all uploaded documents and the Document Upload Section.

The “Show Attachment” button and the Document Upload section reveal hidden attachments.

10073: The Scan Embedded Email Intake feature has been added to the default email intake functionality. The CP application will accept and process attachments inside the .msg and .eml files.

The profile admin can enable/disable the Scan Embedded Emails (.msg, .eml) option under the Email Intake Configuration.

10096: Enable/Disable email intake option is added to the “Email Intake Configuration” settings. When disabled, the Email Document Intake will stop until an admin user enables it again.

10097: Email intake is limited to 75 emails every 3 minutes; excess emails will be ingested in the next cycle. The details of the email intake cycle will be displayed in the profile logs.

10105: Support for additional attachment types, such as.HEIC/.HEIF.

10117: Ability to retrieve the attachment file names from the embedded emails.

The CP application has a new feature called “Store Attachment Names”. This feature allows the application to read and store the list of attachment file names from the embedded emails. Once stored, the attachment’s name will be displayed in the configured field of the document indexing page.

Both “Store Attachment Names” and “Scan Embedded Emails (.msg, .eml)” must be enabled in the “Email Intake Configuration”.

When an email with an embedded attachment is sent, the CP Profile reads the attachment name and displays it in the configured field.

10119: An option has been added for the admin user to unlock a locked SSO user account without the system admin’s assistance. The “Unlock SSO account” option is added to the user management context menu.

10120: The User Group Management page now has a new User Management Audit Log feature that allows users to obtain audit data for actions performed at the User Management level.

The day range can be selected from the list in the User Management Audit Log section.

The User Management Audit Log can be downloaded to the user’s local system as a CSV file.

10148: A new feature is added to handle the return URL for SSO login. Previously, SSO users were unable to access documents through links in email notifications. The new feature resolves this issue

10150: The Delete Selected button label has been changed to “Delete Selected Documents” to clarify that the action only removes documents, not folders, even if they are selected. This is to prevent user confusion. The selected documents will be deleted, but the folders will be skipped.

10165: Modular profile administration feature is added to the profile configurtions.

Profile Admin can now grant User Group Members permission to access specific profile configureation menus using Add Modular Admin Access under the Permission Configuration settings page.

Profile Admin can select the User group from the list and select the multiple profile settings access from the List of Access Levels/ Configuration Menu.

After granting permission, the admin user can access only the specific menus on the Profile Configurationpage.

10181: Enable/Disable SFTP intake option is added to the “SFTP Intake Configuration” settings. When disabled, the SFTP Document Intake will stop until an admin user enables it again.

10190: Chart optoin is enabled on the Reports page.  The user can now view the report as a chart if configured.

10195: The support for POP3 for the Email Intake is discontinued; only IMAP and API intake types can be configured in Email Intake settings.

10199: If a CP profile is disabled, the user will receive a notification on their dashboard and see a disabled workflow alert upon login.

The admin user can manually enable the profile by unchecking the “Disable/Enable Profile” checkbox. Alternatively, the user can contact the PFI support team to have their profile re-enabled immediately.

Bug Fixes:

9939: The issue of a missing icon, “Merge Multi-Attachment Emails Into One Document”, in the Firefox browser has been resolved.

10078: The issu with system not validating line breaks and commas when adding multiple users at the same time to a group is fixed.

10197: The issue of file upload to CP from a zip folder is now resolved.

Previously the CP application showed false positive results when files were uploaded without being extracted from the zip/rar file. The system accepts 0-byte data files and displays their names, even though the zip file’s contents cannot be read. The documents have not been processed even though they are shown in the application.

Now tf the files are uploaded to the CP application without extracting them from the zip/rar folder, the application will display a warning symbol, and the documents won’t be uploaded.

10309: The issue of exporting an invoice with a backslash or an asterisk in the filename is resolved by replacing them with an underscore.

10344: The issue causing the PDF converter service to attempt to delete converted DOCX/XLSX files before they are sent in the response has been resolved.