Steps to manually Force Sync the SFTP lookup files.

  1. Click “Settings” from the Dashboard to access the settings page.

2. On the Profile settings page, select the specific profile that the user belongs to. This will take you to the Profile Configuration page.

3. Click on Lookups from the left menu and choose the look-up file that needs to be updated.

All the look-up settings will be loaded. Remember, you’re in control, so don’t change any of the settings.

4. Click on the “Download All Data From Lookup” button.

The CSV file will be imported to the user’s local folder.

5. Open, verify the lookup data update the copy of the lookup CSV file manually on the local computer.

6. Upload the udpdated copy of the lookup file back to the profile by clicking on the “Upload CSV/ Excel (Overwrite)” button.

Once the lookup data is uploaded, the data can be verified by clicking on the “Query” button.