AP Workflow and Dashboard Tiles

CapturePoint has built many workflows catering to the needs of various organizations, however, Accounts Payable is one of the principal areas that has been focused on from the beginning.

This section explains the invoice stages and the steps involved in each stage to process the invoice in a standard CapturePoint Account Payable Profile. The significant stages are,

  1. Invoice Intake
  2. Invoice Verification
  3. Invoice Approval
  4. Invoice FA Review
  5. Invoice Export

The points below explain the steps involved in each invoice stage, such as document upload, verification, GL coding, approval, document review, and exporting the invoice and the metadata to the customer system for payment.

Invoice Intake:

The document can be sent to CapturePoint using any of the three major document intake methods

  1. Send an email to [email protected] with the document as an attachment
  2. Ingest document through SFTP
  3. Drag & drop the document to the dashboard

The system accepts the following file types: “pdf,” “png,” “jpeg,” “jpg,” “png,” “bmp,” “tiff,” and “tif.”

The document will take a few minutes to process and extract the invoice data, such as PO number, Invoice number, Invoice total, Invoice date, and vendor Information. Based on the extracted information, the system identifies Duplicate documents, Batch documents, and Invoice Types.

Invoice Classification:

  1. The duplicate documents are identified using the Invoice Number and vendor ID combination and sent to the Duplicate tile. The AP clerk can restore or delete them.
  2. The batch documents are identified, automatically split into multiple document sets, and sent to the Batch Verification tile for the user to manually confirm the splits.
  3. The non-batch documents are taken for the automatic verification process.
    1. PO Invoices line-item rows are matched against the GR lookup rows.
  4. If the matching succeeds, the Invoice will be sent to the FA Review queue without user intervention.
  5. If the matching fails or on partial data extraction, The Invoices are sent to the AP Review tile for user intervention.
    1. All the Non-PO/Service Invoices are also sent to the AP Review
  6. The AP Reviewer can process a document from the AP Review The document is opened on the indexing page, which will have multiple sections and fields.
  7. On the indexing page, the documents will be automatically classified and flagged into
    1. PO Invoice
    2. Non-PO/ Service Invoice
    3. Credit Invoices
  8. The system extracts all the necessary information from the document. In case of wrong/partial data extraction, the user can update the information. The Invoice verification steps are given below.

Batch Documents:

  1. The batch documents are automatically identified based on the Invoice number, split into multiple document sets, and sent to the verification process.

Invoice Verification:

  1. All the individual invoices that need user intervention and the document sets that are split into individual Invoices from a batch document will be sent to AP Review tiles based on the document type.
  2. The AP clerk verifies all the Invoice data from the AP Review tile.
  3. AP Review Tile: After verifying the Invoice data, the AP clerk selects an Approver from the list and Submits the Invoice.
  4. The AP clerk can manually perform the below actions.
    • Manually sent to Approval: The document will be manually sent to the Approver’s approval queue.
    • Reject: Invoices with Product Quantity or Unit Price discrepancies can be manually sent to the Rejected queue. These invoices will be checked every day against the credit invoices received in the Credit Hold queue to perform the Invoice Merge process.

All the rejected documents can be restored or deleted. The retention period in the delete queue is 30 days.

Invoice Approval:

  1. the documents will be sent to the approver’s approval queue once the document is approved. There are two tiles in the Approval section.
  2. My Approval: This queue will only contain the documents that have been assigned to the login user for approval.
  3. Once all the invoice information is verified, the Approver can approve the document. Once approved, the documents will be sent to the FA Review queue.
  4. The approver can reassign the Invoice to another approver.

Financial Analyst Review:

  1. Once a document is approved or passes all the automatic validations (business rules and PO/GR line-item matching), it will be sent to any of the FA Review queues below.
  2. The Financial Analyst must review and submit all the invoice information. Once submitted, the document will be sent to the To Be Exported
  3. Financial Analysts can manually perform the below actions.
    • Manually send to Approval: The document will be manually sent back to the Approver’s approval queue.
    • Reject: Invoices with Product Quantity or Unit Price discrepancies can be manually sent to the Rejected queue. These invoices will be checked every day against the credit invoices received in the Credit Hold queue to perform the Invoice Merge process.

All the rejected documents can be restored or deleted. The retention period in the delete queue is 30 days.

Invoice Export:

  1. Invoice export is fully automated; no user intervention is required.
  2. All documents reviewed and submitted by a Financial Analyst will be sent to the “To Be Exported” queue.
  3. An export job will run every 20 minutes to get all the invoice information from the “To Be Exported” queue, generate a CSV file and export the CSV and the documents to SFTP.
  4. the document will be moved to the Exported queue on successful export.

Dashboad Tiles:

Batch Verification: This queue contains combined batch upload documents for AP Clerk verification.
AP Review: Here, the AP clerk reviews and verifies individual documents and manually splits batch documents before submission for approval.
Rejected: Documents rejected by the Approver are collected in the Rejected queue. Restored documents are sent for reprocessing.
Duplicates: Identifies and handles duplicate invoices, allowing users to reject or restore documents from the duplicate queue.
My Approval: Collects documents to be approved by the assigned approver.
FA Review: Gathers all approved invoices, that needed to be reviewed by the FA reviewer.
To Be Exported: This queue accumulates processed documents awaiting export to the Customer System.
Exported: Lists all documents successfully exported to the Customer System.
Archived: Stores aged documents based on retention policy.
Deleted: Contains documents from the Reject queue not restored within 30 days.

Lastly, users can search for all invoices across different tiles using the search function.

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