Cloud Fax Workflow and Dashboard Tiles

CapturePoint Cloud fax services integrate with existing applications through pre-built connectors and web-based APIs, enabling users to send and receive faxes directly within ERP applications.

Below is the workflow of a basic CapturePoint Cloud Fax profile

  1. Upon creating the Cloud Fax profile, users can access the CapturePoint system using their user credentials or Single Sign-On (SSO).  User group assignment is also managed through Single Sign-On.
  2. Once logged in, users will see a Dashboard with various Tiles.
  3. When a fax is sent to the configured fax number in CP, the fax document is sent to the user’s Inbound fax queue and appears in the Dashboard Inbound Fax Tile corresponding to its status.
  4. The User Dashboard Tiles are common to all users.
  5. However, if the system is configured to classify documents department-wise, then the user who logs in can see only the Documents related to the particular department.
  6. The user can also send outbound faxes using CapturePoint. Once the outbound Document is sent from CapturePoint through direct upload or email, the Document will be taken for processing. The system will check the “To Fax number” fax line every minute and try to send the Document. The Document will remain in the Outbound (Sending) tile until the fax is sent.
  7. If the Document is successfully sent to the fax number, the Document will be sent to the Successful Faxes Tile. All the documents in the Successful Faxes tile will be retained for 90 days and deleted from the system.
  8. In case of failure, the Document will be sent to Failed Faxes Tile. All the Documents in the Failed fax tile will be retained for 90 days and deleted from the system.

Cloud Fax Dashboard

Inbox: All the Inbound faxes are listed in the Inbox tile. If the department-wise classification of Documents is configured into the system, then the user who logged in can see only the Documents that are related to the particular department.

Outbound (Sending): Once the outbound Document is sent to CapturePoint through direct upload or email, the Document will be taken for processing. The system will check the “To Fax number” fax line every minute and try to send the Document. The Document will remain in the Outbound (Sending) tile until the fax is sent.

Successful Faxes: If the Document is successfully sent to the fax number, the Document will be sent to the Successful Faxes Tile. All the documents in the Successful Faxes tile will be retained for 90 days and deleted from the system.

Failed Faxes: In case of failure, the Document will be sent to Failed Faxes Tile. All the Documents in the Failed fax tile will be retained for 90 days and deleted from the system.

New Fax: All new Faxes that are ingested into the CapturePoint system will appear in this Tile.

Related Links

Outbound Fax: How to send Fax using the PF 360 Capture system ?

Provide full support including best-effort support for other customized solutions

Inbound Fax: How to check the Inbound Fax documents in the PF 360 Capture system

Provide full support including best-effort support for other customized solutions