How to Use Additional UI Functionalities under the Task tab?
The Task menu lists all the documents processed under the profile. The left pane displays dashboard headers and tiles. Clicking on each tile displays the list of documents it contains.
Filtering documents using the Search box
Filter documents using the Search bar at the header. The search bar acts as a global filter, where the search input string is tokenized (separated by spaces) and, any text in the grid that contains any of the tokens (search terms) will be returned.
- Enter one or multiple search values separated by spaces.
- Documents with the search keyword from all the column titles of the grid are displayed.
- To clear the search filter, click the close icon.
- For a more accurate search, you can click on the column, type the filter term/text, and click the Apply Filter button. This populates more accurate results.
Create.CSV files
In the Tasks tab, you can export all documents residing in a particular queue to a .CSV file.
- Navigate to any queue on the Tasks page and click Create .CSV button.
- Click here to download button appears. Click and download the .csv file.
- It creates a .CSV file and exports all the listed document details to your local computer in the name grid_data.csv.
Zip Current Folder
The Zip current folder button allows you to download documents, metadata, and search criteria to your local computer.
- Open any queue.
- Enter the search value in the header Search box.
- Click on Zip Current Folder. A pop-up opens.
On the pop-up, check to Enable “Include Metadata in Zip File” if the metadata information should also be downloaded.
Check to Enable “Include Search Criteria in Zip File” if the search value is also included.
- Click the Zip Current Folder button. The zip process starts. Once the zip file is created, the system will allow the user to download the file.
- Click on the link Click here to download.
- The downloaded zip file contains the following.
- PDF document.
- Metadata as a JSON file
- Search value as a JSON file.
Open, History, and Delete
Open any queue on the Task tab and click the vertical dots menu of a document. The vertical dots menu shows the Open, History and Delete functions for a document.
Opens a document in Batch view.
Displays the history of the uploaded document. The document ID in the closed brackets is a unique reference number for a document. This can be mentioned in future incidents as a referral for any document.
Exclude the System logs from the History. Users can hide the system actions(logs) from the Document History by clicking the Hide System Actions Button.
Image 1: Document History with both User logs and the System logs.
Image 2: Document History only with the User logs.
The delete option is available to Admin users only. Only the admin can delete the document from the queue.
Filtering and Ordering the documents in the list
The user can filter the documents with any column value, by using the Apply Filter option.
The filter can be applied to any of the column titles i.e., Document Name, Created Date, Uploaded By, Vendor Name, etc.
- Click the Name column on the task tab. Apply Filter pops up.
- Enter any value such as invoice Name, Created Date, Last Updated, Uploaded By, Vendor Name, or Invoice Number.
- Click Apply Filter.
- Click DSC to sort the results in descending order.
- Click ASC to sort the results in ascending order.
- Click close X to clear applied filters.
Grid Options
Grid Options help users to customize the Sorting and Search preferences of their documents. The option can be used for all the queues under the Tasks page.
- Click on the vertical dots menu at the top-right. Grid Options pop-up shows up.
Grid Options pop-up shows up.
Sort Column
Here, the User can set the sorting preference of any column.
- Select a column from Select Default Sort Column.
- Select the sorting preference from Sort Direction.
- Click Save Settings.
Search Preferences
- Enable/Disable Full Text Search: When enabled, CapturePoint searches the OCR text of the document against the value entered in the common search text box and brings up results.
- Enable/Disable Search Result Snippet: When enabled, the search result snippet is shown.
Display of active profiles on all pages
Now, the name of the active profile will be displayed on the Documents page & Tasks page. This would be particularly useful for customers with multiple profiles.
Enabling the active profile display settings.
Active Profile name displayed on the Documents page.
Active Profile name displayed on Tasks page.
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