How to Use User Interface Settings on the Indexing page?

The User Interface Settings help control the Document Indexing page’s User Interface. The configuration icon is located at the bottom of the menu page.

  1. Click on the User Interface Setting icon. The settings pop-up displays.

Form Width

The user can adjust the size of the Form and the document view.

  1. Adjust the form width by dragging the bar control.
  2. Click Save & Apply Settings. The size of the window will be changed.

Reset Width to Default

The user can reset the window width to Default width.

OCR Rectangles: The OCR rectangles are shown on the document page as the user selects the field from the form.

  1. Show OCR Rectangles: The OCR rectangles(red) on the invoice will be shown when checked and it will be hidden when unchecked
  2. Selected OCR Rectangles: Automatically Scroll to Location:  As the user selects the fields the system will take the user to the document location. Unchecking the checkbox will prevent the system from taking control of the document location.
  3. Selected OCR Rectangles: Automatically Change Pages: As the user selects the fields the system will take the user to the field location in a different page. Unchecking the checkbox will prevent the system from navigating through pages.

Form Location

Display Form on Left-Handed Side: The Form will be displayed on the left side by default and when the option is checked the user can move the form from Right or Left.

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