PF 360 Capture Account Login Steps

Local Account Login:

1. Once the CapturePoint local account is activated, the user will receive an activation email with instructions for setting a password.
2. To login to CapturePoint use any of the below sites based on your location.


3. Enter the email address and password, then click on the Login button.

On successful login, CapturePoint launches the User Dashboard.

Forgot Password:

1. Click Forgot Password to reset your password. Enter the registered email address to receive the password reset link.

Single Sign On:

Single Sign On is for users who have a CapturePoint account linked with their Active Directory.

1. Enter the email id and then click Single Sign On button to retrieve Single Sign On Links taht are asosociated with the user account.

2. Click on the “Retrieve Single Sign-On Links” button. to retrive all the Single Sign-On (SSO) links that are associated to the user account. In the image below, the user is linked with “PFI Azure AD,” so the “PFI Azure AD” SSO link appears.
3. Click on the SSO link that is displayed. The link will take the user to the User Dashboard page.

After the first login the user will be able to see the SSO link always on the login page.

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